The Imaginary Diary of Graham Spiers

Police State Scotland Disclaimer: This diary is a farce, a parody, a satire, a comedy. It in no way consists of, contains or implies a threat or an incitement to carry out a violent act against one or more described individuals and there is no intention to cause fear or alarm to a reasonable person. Although of course as we all know, Celtic fans are not reasonable.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Secret Diary, Tuesday 1st December Part 2

So after my weekend tip from Ewan Cameron that there was some intrigue going on with the STUC, the republican bhoys and the Hapoel Tel Aviv squad, I got kitted out in my black action corduroys and made my way to the City Chambers. It doesn't take much to infiltrate the place if you're a well known Celtic supporter like me, even if you're not then you could always wear an emerald green shirt or tie and security would just think you were a Glasgow councillor. This is precisely what I did; black action corduroys and a green tie and I was through without anyone batting an eyelid. It was getting dark outside and the council workers were finishing for the day so it must've been shortly after lunchtime, I had to find somewhere to hide out until the civic reception for Hapoel later in the afternoon so I mooched around until I found an empty meeting room where I crawled under the table, hidden from view by a long starched table cover. I wasn't in there for long before I heard the door open and in clattered loads of people and sat down - damnation, I'd picked the wrong room! Everyone sat down at the table and I could only see their feet - to a man they were wearing grubby shoes and emerald green socks, this must be some sub-committee of the City Council I thought and then I heard a voice from the end of the table. 'Right comrades, I'd like to convene todays meeting of the Glasgow City Council committee to choose the next Lord Provost. Do I hear any proposals?'
Then another voice from just above me, 'Comrades, can I propose that we choose anybody we like just as long as he's a tim?'
A great approving murmur went up.
'Good proposal comrade, do I have a seconder?'
Then another, higher voice, 'Comrades, I second that we choose anyone just as long as he's a tim.'
Then the original voice: 'Okay comrades, that's settled, the next Lord Provost of Glasgow will be anyone we please as long as he's a tim. Can I just take this opportunity to thank you all for attending and I'll see you all at the civic reception for ra Shellick later today? Hail hail.'
And they all responded - 'Hail hail!' and they were gone. Phew, I had narrowly escaped detection. I had to sit tight now to await the civic reception and that was when I'd spring into action.


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